My initial use of this blog is making me think very carefully about what I say. Would younger students be so reticent? Perhaps I could use it to encourage students to think reflectively or from a literacy viewpoint to be careful about their grammar use - this seems very boring and not exactly innovative! Maybe a class newsblog as opposed to a traditional newsletter to encourage writing skills and literacy....I shall continue to ponder on this....
It's interesting to hear that your very first blog post has made you think carefully about how to express yourself online! As online reputation comes to matter more and more, it's essential that all of us think about how we present ourselves online. I think there's a really important role for educators in guiding young students in this area. Grammar, etc, may be important, but I'm thinking also of the topics covered, how they're presented, and how interaction is handled.
ReplyDeleteI agree entirely Mark. I've attended a couple of seminars aimed at cyber safety of young people and heard a number of horror stories. However, I think the longterm dangers of web 2.0 are more mundane and educating young people in how to present themselves online and how to apply critical literacy to what they see and hear online is going to be a growth area for educators.