Friday, 27 May 2011

Living in the Past....?

I loved this weeks lecture, I was so challenged, so many new horizons and opportunities were opened up.  My favourite genre of writing/reading is scifi and this week I felt like I had stepped straight into one of these books - my version of an augmented reality.  However, it did also make me feel like I was living in the past - that I didn't know what many of these new technologies were, never mind how many of them are with us right now!

There seem to be two schools of thought as to where all this technology is leading us:
1. Slow down, we don't know what we're doing!
2. Bring it on!

Where am I?
Somewhere in the middle I think. I believe that change and 'progress' is inevitable but it is a double edged sword and there are danger and privacy issues to be considered and addressed. I think that ignoring these technologies would put me and my students at a disadvantage. It is already happening and being informed helps me use the technology and to be aware of the dangers. I need to make sure I have a balanced view and don't get carried away with all the positive possibilities without considering the negatives.

Three of the digital technologies particularly intrigued me:

Augmented Reality
I can see some really great applications for teaching and learning with this technology, particularly in science and society and environment. The overlay of old photos on modern scenes was a very motivating and engaging application.  This video shows how Bing Maps are using augmented reality. This would be a brilliant way to bring S&E (for example) to life.

Cloud Computing
Many of us are already using some form of cloud computing (all your Facebook stuff isn't actually stored on your computer). This article from 'How Stuff Works' explained it really clearly and also explained many of the concerns associated with cloud computing. I think this concept could be a boon for schools in terms of making technology more accessible for students, costs could possibly be less, hardware would be less bulky and more mobile, software glitches and problems would become the responsibility of the server and greater processing/data storage power may be more available.

Virtual Worlds
This was also a very exciting concept. I joined Second Life to see what it was all about (my original choice of avatar was limited to bimbos or a man, which was a bit off putting), it was easy to join and download but I need to do some more exploring. For schools though, this is a great tool for collaborating with a wide community, interacting with ideas and information that may not be easily available in their own locality. I can see it having increasing relevance for remote and distance learners particularly.

I need a lot more processing time to take all these concepts in and think about using them in the classroom, but I feel that they hold some exciting possibilities. Real-life  has looked a little old-fasioned and mundane since Tuesday, maybe I need an ipad to augment my reality.......


  1. No you are not old fashioned. Those who are baby boomers like us actually have it better than the generations in the future. There have been more changes during our lives so far than there will be through theirs. They will see changes in existing technology, however we saw the new technology.

    So don't ever say you are old fashioned, say you have a wealth of historical knowledge and be proud of it. Use it in your class as it will amaze young children with some of the experiences from your past. That is learning in itself, your past experiences and knowledge.

    Remember when you visited your grandparents or another older relative and the stories they would tell and the 'old fashioned ways and things' they would show you? You were excited and learnt from their experiences.

    I see with your new look blog you are trying to take on the 'feel of technology'. I liked your book template, it suited you more.

    My final word of advice to you from one baby boomer to another. Do what I intend to do with my teaching, don't destroy your original foundation because of the shiny new, build on that foundation and combine the old with the new to create something wonderful for your students.

    All the best for your assignment!


    Cindy :)

  2. Thanks Cindy, I didn't really mean I was old-fashioned, more that the glimpse of what is available right now has made me feel as thoughI am living in the past because I'm not using the avant-garde technology (and I want to!).

    But, as you say I have a lot of life experience, probably a bit more than I'd like. I think the trick is to stay open and flexible and use what you can to reach your students and make their learning experiences fun and meaningful.

    Good luck with your assignment too.


  3. Hi Joanne and Cyndi! I don't think that you are living in the past, I just think that these technologies are all in the future and it will take time (perhaps alot), for all of us to catch up on these technologies. At the moment, they are basically a novelty, hence the 'bimbo' option but in the future, I am sure that the avatars will be more realistic and will start to model actual people in the 'real' world. I think that in the future, more communication will take place online as well, so we will all grow with the technology, just like we have all grown to accept social media as a part of the family. It is all alittle scary at the moment but I am sure that we will learn to love it (or at least accept it) in the future!

  4. Hi Lexie, I was a bit tongue in cheek about living in the past - I love all this new technology! I am trying to build an argument to justify why I really need an ipad...
    As you say, it does take time for all the new technology to filter down and that's a good thing in a way, because it gives us some adjustment time (normalisation).
