Saturday, 9 April 2011


I've signed up for the twitter thing and that's been going ok, just learning how to use it, navigate through the system, trying to filter (information overload at the moment) etc. BUT - I've gained a follower! Now, I think that's a little odd - I've only been on a few days, I've not tweeted at all, I don't even live in the same continent as my follower - there's nothing to follow - I feel stalked.


  1. Hey Jo! Just doing my blog now, and considering signing up for Twitter also! That is funny that you have a follower already... I will let you know how I go! I imagine there are some people who follow 1000s of accounts, and cull them as they decide if their interests match or not. I guess this is why we are strategic in what we post online, as anyone can find us!

  2. Yes, you're right Liz, thank you for your kind words - I felt a bit uncomfortable about someone following me for no reason, there didn't seem to be any logic to it. Maybe the terminology of 'following' hit a nerve!

  3. You can always have a private Twitter account where you have to approve followers - but this does go a bit against the grain of Twitter. I'm sure in time you'll get more comfortable with having random Twitter followers, though!
